CAP 2335 Licensing review consultation

The consultation is now closed. This is here for reference only.

The CAA is currently reviewing GA pilot licensing. You can access the consultation here.

BMAA has considered the review carefully and also consulted with licence experts outside of our association. Our conclusions to the consultation questions are listed below. 

Please respond to the consultation, the deadline is 16 December. For guidance, here is an abbreviated version of our response and you should reply in your own words.

4) Disagree. The current NPPL (m) system is clearly defined with a lot of guidance material available. It is only when you go outside of the NPPL system that confusion starts. BMAA would not want to see the NPPL (m) system become any more complex as a result of this consultation.

5) Strongly agree. If the system is to be reviewed, the entire system should be considered.

6) None of the options. The NPPL (m) system is not complex but the wider GA system is. 

7) Yes.

8) No view

9) No - more detail is needed. We would not want to see the current NPPL (m) system made more difficult or complex as a result of this consultation.

10) Don't know - again, it's all down to the detail. The current NPPL system is proportionate and works well. It should not be made more complicated as a result of this review.

11) Two of the answers: Consolidating would cause confusion and it would introduce complications for training organisations. The current system for training on microlights is a success.

12) No view

13) Don't know - it all depends on the detail and whether or not the new system improves or disadvantages future student microlight pilots.

14) interesting - but we need more detail

15) No. Training standards are high for NPPL (m). Why shouldn't all instructors be able to teach to PPL?

16) Yes

17) No view

18) No view

19) No view

20) Changes should apply to new licence holders only. Anything else will cause confusion among pilots and instructors and may lead to unsafe situations.

Please do base your answers on the ones above, if you agree with them. Please respond here. Thank you.