Our Partner Organisations

The BMAA is not alone in the world of recreational aviation. We work very closely with other organisations to promote and protect recreational flying. Below is a list, and further detail, of those we work with.

 Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom

In 1901, three wealthy motorists, Frank Hedges Butler, his daughter Vera and the Hon Charles Rolls, had proposed a motor tour, but this was cancelled when Vera's Renault 4.5 caught fire. The lady arranged a balloon flight with the distinguished professional Stanley Spencer, as a distraction.
Over a glass of champagne during the subsequent voyage, passing near Sidcup in Kent, they agreed that an Aero Club should be formed and after landing this was done without delay. Due no doubt to the presence and personality of Vera Butler, it was uniquely - for the time - agreed that it be open "equally to ladies and gentleman, subject to election".

To find out more please follow this link to their website

General Aviation Safety Council GASCo

GASCo was founded in 1964 to provide a forum in which all of the General Aviation organisations could meet to share safety information.There were only a few members in those days but today almost every organisation that represents those who supply, maintain, control, support, regulate and, most importantly, fly each and every kind of flying machine is a member of GASCo. They meet to share experiences and ideas for the improvement of flight safety. GASCo is a Charity funded by its member organisations, pilots, aviation authorities and other generous contributors.

To find out more please follow this link to their website

General Aviation Awareness Council GAAC

The GAAC is the most representative UK body in General Aviation and is recognised as such by Government, the CAA and others to be the organisation that speaks for General Aviation on planning and environmental issues and we intend to widen our ‘awareness’ campaign to other issues where there is consensus. If you have a question on anything from flying model aircraft to planning a new airfield we hope to provide you with an answer.

To find out more please follow this link to their website

General Aviation Alliance GAA

The GA Alliance is an independent group and partnership of organisations representing, as far as possible, UK General Aviation (GA), and Sports and Recreational Aviation interests (S&RA). Its objective is to promote and protect the cost-effective use of GA and S&RA aircraft, and their owners, pilots and the associated operations, and to actively participate in the formulation of regulations and actions that may affect their interests so as to ensure the welfare and the free and safe movement of these aircraft, pilots, owners and the associated operations.

To find our more please follow this link to their website

Confidential Human Factors Incident Report Programme for Aviation CHIRP

The aim of the UK Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme for aviation, known by the acronym CHIRP, is to contribute to the enhancement of flight safety in the UK commercial and general aviation industries, by providing a totally independent confidential reporting system for all individuals employed in or associated with the industries.

To find out more please follow this link to their website