Revalidating Your Aircraft's Permit To Fly

The BMAA is approved by the Civil Aviation Authority to revalidate a microlight aircraft's Permit to Fly. This service is available only to current BMAA members who are owners of the aircraft.

Timing: For two seat microlights your aircraft must be inspected and check flown to revalidate its Permit to Fly each year. If the aircraft's Certificate of Validity (C of V) is still valid, the inspection and check flight can be performed up to 60 days prior to its expiry with no loss of duration. The maximum time between inspection and check flight is also 60 days.  The check flight can be flown before the inspection as long as the C of V is still valid.  Otherwise it must be flown after the inspection.

People: Inspections can only be carried out by a BMAA appropriately authorised inspector. You can find your nearest inspector using the search facility, here.

Check flights can be carried out by any suitably licensed pilot. The BMAA check flying system is described in the BMAA Check Flying Handbook.

Forms and Guidance: When you apply for revalidation of your aircraft’s Permit to Fly you will need to submit an application form and an inspection and check flight record. You can download the guidance and forms from the list below.

For all microlight types 
Form AW 001   
Permit Application Form 
Form AW 030    Aircraft Change of Data Form
Til 042                Check Flying Handbook
Trustee Grid       BMAA Aircraft Ownership Trustee Grid 

Form AW 091    Special Permit Revalidation Inspection Report Form - used where the aircraft has not had a revalidation in the last 12 months of                                   greater, full details on use of this form can be found here: Til 074 Special Permit Revalidation Inspections

Aircraft Weighing: At time of application your aircraft must have a valid weight report. If your aircraft is due for weighing please read the weighing procedure guidance in TIL 012 and use the weighing spreadsheets in XLSX or XLS formats.

For Flexwing microlights 
Form AW 006         Inspection Worksheet for Flexwing
Form AW 011b       Check Flight schedule for Flexwing
Flexwing (all forms) Complete set of revalidation forms for Flexwing

Video guidance on how to perform a Flexwing Check Flight 
How to perform a Flexwing Check Flight | With the BMAA and Exodus Airsports

*PLEASE NOTE: The pilot in this video is not wearing his front seat diagonal restraining strap. Since this video was produced, advice has changed and pilots are now strongly encouraged to wear their front seat harnesses or restraining straps at all times.*

For 3-Axis microlights
Form AW 007     Inspection Worksheet for 3-axis
Form AW 011a   Check Flight schedule for 3-axis
3-Axis (all forms) Complete set of revalidation forms for 3 Axis

Video guidance on how to perform a 3-Axis Check Flight 
How to perform a 3-Axis Check Flight | With the BMAA and Kemble Flying Club

For Powered Parachutes (Paratrikes)
Form AW 005    
Inspection record for Powered Parachutes 
Form AW 011c   Check Flight schedule for Powered Parachutes

Powered parachute (all forms) Complete set of revalidation forms for Powered parachute

Document Submission:
You can submit all renewal forms in the following ways:

Via email: as scanned copies to of the originals as .pdf files to permits "@" 

By post: to BMAA, Unit 6 Somerville Court, Banbury Business Park, Adderbury, Oxfordshire, OX17 3SN.

Via website: as scanned copies of the originals as .pdf files * through this web site. Log in to this web site and from the My Account page follow the link to "Apply and pay for a Permit to Fly renewal" 

*(N.B. other file formats cannot be accepted).

Aircraft Weighing: At time of application your aircraft must have a valid weight report. If your aircraft is due for weighing please read the weighing procedure guidance in TIL 012 and use the weighing spreadsheets in XLSX or XLS formats.

Payment To make payment for your Permit to Fly revalidation, log in to this web site and from the My Account page follow the link to "Apply and pay for a Permit to Fly renewal" or you can enclose payment with your posted application.

For current fees follow this link. Have you ever considered what's behind your permit fee? Go here to find out.

If you need any further help please contact the Technical Office for advice on 01869 338888.