Membership Survey - How Well Are We Doing?

It is now more than 6 months since you joined the BMAA, I hope that you are finding being a member of the microlight association useful and enjoyable. However we are not complacent and we would like to keep improving our help and services for the members. To help us improve please take a few moments to complete the survey below with your impression and experiences so far. Thank you.

Please give us an opinion on any member services that you have used since you joined.

1 Poor - 5 Excellent

Have you been to a BMAA event?

If so how do you rate it? 1 Poor - 5 Excellent

The BMAA is very proud of its magazine "Microlight Flying"

Tell us what you think of it. 1 Poor - 5 Excellent

BMAA eNews

Social Media

The BMAA has an active Facebook page and a closed Facebook group

Please rate the following areas of BMAA activity that are important to you.

1 not - 5 very important

The Future of the BMAA


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