John Waite
I came to microlighting through the chance offer of a flight in a Quantum. Once bitten the microlight bug has never let go. Fifteen years later, I’ve helped organise club events, UK competitions, the 2016 World Championships at Popham, and the 2010 Flying Show. I’m fortunate to have represented the British Team and held the British, European and World Microlight Champion titles. And, found the time to build three Nynjas while continuing to manage my public relations and marketing consultancy. I’ve served on Council for the last three years, where I have looked after the New Horizons build-a plane scheme for Schools and have been involved in the selection process for the BMAA Bursary for young pilots. Both of these programmes are designed to encourage young people into our sport. I am also a member of the Promotion and Marketing Sub-committee, which has directed the introduction of the new BMAA website, a package of new posters and other material through our link with Pooleys, and the shows and exhibitions programme. I also served on the BMAA/LAA liaison group during the 2019 merger negotiations. Identifying the urgent need to support UK flexwings with the closure of P&M, I began a project in 2019 to introduce a new, two-seat flexwing to the UK. The DeltaJet 500 StingRay has just gained its UK approval. As well as my familiarity with BMAA promotion and marketing and first-hand experience encouraging young people into aviation, I now have a new perspective on our sport through the eyes of a Microlight manufacturer in the 600kg era. I relish the opportunity to bring direct to Council experience of the many problems that the industry faces and help our Association evolve and succeed. Please vote for me if you would like me to continue working on your behalf.
Proposed by Paul Dewhurst, 2917
Seconded by Rob Grimwood, 6573