News about two upcoming online seminars

News about two upcoming online seminars

Infringement avoidance webinar: Monday 13 December at 1900 

Run by GASCo, the General Aviation Safety Council.

In this hour and a half long webinar, GASCo Regional Safety Officers will provide information on how to avoid having an airspace infringement. It will contain tips and suggestions, quizzes and an example of airspace pre-flight planning using Threat & Error Management techniques.

Registration link:


Weather forecast decision making workshop: Wednesday 15 December at 1930 

Join Simon Keeling, Matt Lane and Chris Kidd for a workshop on weather decision making. 

In this workshop we will explore the ever-changing UK weather, the best way for pilots to get weather info and practical advice on making sound weather planning decisions.

Upon registration you'll be sent a confirmation email with a link to our useful resources and a short e-learning quiz to gauge where you're at and what you might need to focus more on. You can submit any questions in advance for Simon, Matt and Chris at, we look forward to seeing you there!

Registration link: