Moving Map Survey

A survey to help understand why some pilots use moving maps and why some don't

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. As some of you may know there was an error with the logical flow of the questions in the original survey. We apologise for this error and are grateful to those of you who worked through it. Your responses have informed changes to this new version to help make it shorter and more relevant. Please be assured that all those responses will be included in the final analysis. 

We have split the questions into sections on pre-flight planning and in-flight navigation and kept the survey as short as possible. We are equally interested in views from pilots who do not currently use a moving map and those who do.

There's a chance at the end to add any general views or comments that you feel have not been covered by the questions. 

For the purpose of this survey a moving map means either a device or software for use on a device on which a flight may be planned or which can be used for in-flight VFR navigation, or both. These generally fall into three categories:
  1. A panel mounted navigation device. However, many panel mounted IFR navigation/communication systems built into the aircraft may be considered as out of scope of this survey because, although capable of giving some graphical representation of the aircraft’s position, these units are not intended for VFR flight. 
  2. Portable devices designed for VFR flight use such as the Garmin 296 and Garmin Aera range.
  3. Software for use on a phone or tablet such as SkyDemon, EasyVFR and RunwayHD.
The survey has been developed by the Airspace Infringement Working Group to follow up on issues highlighted through causal factor analysis of reported airspace infringements. The group is part of the Airspace & Safety Initiative, a collaboration between the Civil Aviation Authority, NATS and MoD, with participation and support from general aviation aerodromes, clubs and associations.

This is the link