Information for microlight instructors

Possible financial assistance for small businesses

To all Microlight Flight Instructors.

 With the enforced layoff following a very poor winter period it is likely that instructors and schools will be suffering financially.

I am definitely not an expert but I have had a look through the Government notices for possible assistance and come up with the following.


For self-employed there is funding available based upon previous earnings. The website page is:

 Business loans

For businesses that will lose future income there is a loan scheme available which might help. The website page is:

Employees assistance

Employees that have to be laid off due to lack of work can have 80% of salary, up to a maximum of £2,500 a month paid by the Government scheme. The website page is:

Small business rates

Some small businesses including those in the leisure industry are entitled to a Rates holiday. The website page is

I hope that this is some help. Please let me know how you get on.

Geoff Weighell