Geoff Weighell is awarded the Royal Aero Club Diploma

Geoff Weighell is awarded the Royal Aero Club Diploma

We are delighted to report that former BMAA Chief Executive Geoff Weighell has been awarded the Royal Aero Club Diploma for 2021. The Diploma is the second most senior RAeC award and the highest available for services to the political and administrative sector of aviation. 

Geoff has been rightly recognised for his long and dedicated service to the BMAA, British microlighting and also to the wider aviation community in the UK. His service went beyond the BMAA as he represented flyers at the highest government and regulatory levels. 

Geoff wrote about his time as BMAA Chief Executive here [link ].

We congratulate Geoff wholeheartedly. The RAeC Awards Ceremony will take place on Tuesday 17 May 2022, most likely at the RAF Club, London