BMAA Council Elections 2023 - results
There were two vacancies for election to the BMAA Executive Board ('Council') in 2023.
We received one nomination and that candidate is therefore duly elected. We welcome Simon Heyes and his election statement is reproduced below.
Eddie McCallum did not present himself for re-election and will therefore stand down at the end of his term.
Changes to the Board take effect at the end of the BMAA AGM; this will take place on Saturday 29 April at 1300 at Popham Airfield.
Simon's election statement: I took up microlight training in 2017. I have been a BMAA member since June 2019, fly a flexwing from East Fortune near to Edinburgh and have also competed conversion to 3 axis. I hold a degree in Aeronautical Engineering, am a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE) and have worked in the aviation industry at Rolls-Royce and as an Engineer Officer in the RAF on a short-service commission. For the last 25 years I have worked in the energy industry, becoming General Manager for renewables at one of the energy major utilities and CEO of a private equity-owned company. I have held directorships of many companies since 2008 and so bring a wealth of experience in setting strategy, ensuring that there are sufficient resources to deliver that strategy, promoting the interests of the owners / members and supporting the management and staff as required in the implementation of agreed goals and objectives. I have also completed the non-executive director training course at the Edinburgh University Business School. As a candidate for this role, I want to combine my experience as a director with my passion for microlight flying. I have been involved in the Wings scheme development and will always endorse continual improvement in skills and education for all pilots, to promote safer flying. Promoting microlighting and the BMAA and ensuring that it remains relevant to the current membership and adaptable for future generations is essential. I am also keen to be involved in the inevitable transition away from hydrocarbons to sustainable alternative fuels and electric propulsion for flight. By engaging positively with the relevant stakeholders, the BMAA can set a direction of travel which minimises impact on current aircraft types whilst enabling the many potential benefits to be achieved at least cost to the membership. |