BMAA appoints next CEO

Following Geoff Weighell’s announcement of his wish to stand down as BMAA CEO through ill health and after 15 years in post, the BMAA Council worked with HR consultants Peninsula Business Services to recruit his successor with the goal of ensuring a smooth handover.

Today I can confirm that the successful applicant is Rob Hughes, current BMAA Chairman. Rob will start work at Deddington on 1 October. Geoff will retire a week later on 8 October.

It goes without saying that any association that would let Geoff’s encyclopedic knowledge of microlighting simply walk away would be foolish; I am delighted that Geoff has kindly accepted a consultancy role within the BMAA to help and advise in the future.

This marks the beginning of a very exciting time for the BMAA, with a new and passionate CEO brimming with energy and ideas.  Geoff leaves us just as his most recent success becomes law; the new 600kg light sport microlight class will see a host of new aircraft joining the BMAA family, including a 500kg flexwing and, of course, a booming sub-70kg market. Today’s BMAA is all-inclusive, catering for everyone’s needs within the microlight community; the future is also very bright indeed.

Please join us in welcoming Rob as our new Chief Executive Officer and wishing Geoff improved health for the future. On behalf of all BMAA members, we give sincere thanks for the silent battles he’s fought over the years for the benefit of all of us.

Tim Burrow

BMAA - Acting Chairman

Rob Hughes