BMAA AGM 2021- Follow up

The BMAA AGM 2021 was successfully held using the Zoom Webinar platform on Saturday 8th May.

At a General Meeting held in advance of the AGM those present were asked to consider a proposal to change the Articles of Association, specifically Article 33.1, to enable the option of holding a remote AGM. 44 members were present. 36 voted in favour. 0 voted against. 8 abstained. The proposal was carried and the updated Articles of Association are now published on the BMAA website. You can view the Articles using this link.

The results of the pre-AGM proposals ballots were as follows.

  • To approve the 2019/2020 Accounts : Result   For  423   Against  2   Abstained  1
  • To re-appoint the Auditors: Result   For  417   Against  6   Abstained  3
  • To raise BMAA membership fee by £1 per member: Result   For  372   Against  53   Abstained  1

Draft minutes of the AGM will be published soon on the BMAA website.

A Council meeting was held following the AGM and the following members were elected to roles on the Council:

  • BMAA Chairman: Rob Hughes
  • BMAA Vice Chairman: Tim Burrow
  • BMAA Treasurer: Derek Lamb