BMAA / LAA Merger talks suspended
Message from the bmaa chairman
We learned today that LAA has chosen to suspend talks regarding a possible merger.
This is disappointing; we have dedicated time and energy over several months to determine a format for this new, merged body that would guarantee a successful future for microlighting as a part of an enlarged association. Talks were prolonged as we wanted to be sure that all relevant details were in place before proceeding.
Talks had reached a conclusion and your council was due to make a definitive decision on the proposal at our next council meeting on 23 March. Events have overtaken us and that meeting had to be postponed. It is perhaps best to also postpone such a major decision, given the current uncertainty around the world.
Today’s BMAA is a strong and active association. We engage constantly with our regulator and other government departments and we have won their trust, witnessed by recent decisions to allow us to issue licences and permits directly. We also run a wide range of activities to promote and encourage microlight flying in the UK. Our staff members provide an excellent service and we are financially sound.
We will continue to collaborate closely with the LAA and are encouraged that the possibility remains for our two associations to agree a mutually acceptable merger in the future.
In the meantime, take good care of yourselves and I wish you all blue skies!
Rob Hughes
BMAA Chairman