Pilot Course - Knowledge

Flying Abroad

This course can be used as a credit in the BMAA wings scheme.


So you've got your licence, taken you mates flying, what next? 

Well dust off the foreign dictionary, it's time to go further afield!

Flying within UK airspace can be tricky at times, but on this course you will learn how to take the next step and start planning your first foreign adventure...

Content / Overview

You will learn about the following topics, including participating in practical elements:

  • Trip tips! Ideas for planning the trip from start to finish.

  • Suggestions on good places for your first flight abroad. 

  • Understanding the importance of planning as well as the ability to be flexible. 

  • Introduction to route planning, where to get foreign charts and how to use them.

  • The in's and out's of producing and filing flight plans.

  • Dealing with HM Customs & Special Branch.

  • What equipment do you need? Different terrain calls for different equipment and considerations - specific examples given.

  • Weather & diversions - knowing when not to be a hero!

  • Video clips as well as examples of previous trips, both good and bad.

Video clips

The course is delivered based around an actual flight. This gives real life examples of the considerations for such a trip and not just theory.

Who Should Attend?

The course is mainly aimed at pilots who have never ventured outside of UK airspace, or pilots how have not done so without the guidance of an instructor or group of fellow aviators.  That said the veterans out there might pick up a few tips, especially regarding modern technology being applied to flight planning and the art of navigating.


Two Two Fly

The provider is an experienced flight instructor who runs his own flight school from two different locations, one in Cambridgeshire and the other on the Eastern outskirts of London. Sure to instill confidence in their students, which is important with this particular subject.

V1 Flight

The provider is an experienced flight instructor who runs his own school just South of Oxford.  A veteran of many foreign adventures to most places in Europe, able to give many snap shots from various previous trips and lessons he has learnt over the years.


Stoke Medway Airfield - Burrows Lane, Middle Stoke, Rochester, Kent, ME3 9RN

BMAA HQ - The Bullring, Deddington, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 0TT


BMAA Members - £85

Non-members - £100

Booking / Availabilty / Notes

Next Course: TBC

Availability: 12

Notes: Location BMAA HQ - Oxford

To book on these course please call 01869 338888 or email using the button below

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