Pilot Courses - Knowledge

Knowledge Courses

A series of pilot courses designed to benefit the wider aviation community, covering a wide range of topics, delivered by experts at various locations and offered to BMAA members at a discounted rates.

These courses can be used as a credit in the BMAA Wings Scheme.

Flight Schools

Any Flight School interested in joining the BMAA Wings Scheme? 

To join the providers list click below:

Aviation First Aid

A certified Level 3 First Aid Award (FAA) in Emergency First Aid, which is valid for 3 years. 

This practical course is especially tailored to operations of aircraft and working on airfields.  

Aviation Fire training

On successful completion of this course you will gain a recognised qualification in fire safety awareness, with a registered certificate. 

This course is fully certified as a FAA (First Aid Award) Level 1 training course and is valid for life.

Flying Abroad - Beginners Guide

So you've gained your Pilots licence, taken your mates flying and been to Skegy and back...what next?  

This course provides an informative introduction about flying abroad in a Microlight.

Radio Telephony

Comprehensive ground schooling on the subject of Radio Telephony.

This knowledge based and practical learning course will prepare you for the Flight Radiotelephony Operator's Licence (FRTOL) examination process.

Flexwing Rigging