BMAA Wings Award Scheme

BMAA Wings Award Scheme

Designed to encourage BMAA members to continue to improve their flight planning, their aircraft handling skills and their understanding of aviation safety. The aim throughout is for the BMAA member to become a safer and “better pilot”. 

The Wings scheme has four levels of award. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond. To qualify for each level the pilot will gain achievements from a selection of flight, educational and safety tasks. After the first Bronze Award each level becomes slightly more demanding encouraging pilots to expand their skills and knowledge, whilst having fun and becoming a “better pilot”.

  • Getting Started
  • Safety
  • Navigation
  • Aviation Education
  • Flight Training

Wings Awards achieved as of April 2022

The Wings Winners

Congratulations to the following for achieving Diamond and Gold level awards:


David Cawdery
Peter Griffiths
Stuart Waite
Tam Carr 

And well done to all those with Gold, Silver and Bronze awards – so far! We look forward to adding your name here very soon.


FIND OUT MORE...       

Frequently Asked Questions available here

Learn more about the achievements and how to progress towards each award. Follow this link.