Photo Competition Rules

It’s very easy to enter the MF Photo Competition: just make sure you are a current BMAA member and send your material to the Editor at, as explained below. The judges for the competitions are currently the Editor, Deputy Editor and Production Editor.


1.      Any BMAA member other than the judges may enter photographs in the competition.

2.      Photographs must have been taken by the entrant.

3.      In entering a photograph, the entrant asserts that its creation involved no unsafe or illegal flying. If anything in the photo suggests otherwise, the entrant should explain the circumstances in the caption.

4.      There will be one competition round per issue 

5.      Only one photo per member may be entered in each round, and must be clearly identified as such if it is accompanied by others.

6.      Prints, which should be suitable for scanning, should be mailed to the Editor at Electronic images can be mailed on a CD or emailed. In all cases, please use the contact details shown in the latest edition of MF.

7.      Each photo should be accompanied by a caption and be clearly identified with the name, address, phone number and BMAA number of the entrant, together with the issue for which it is entered. Photos received too late for the specified issue will automatically be considered for the next.

8.      Printed photos will be assessed on their suitability for reproduction between sizes A6 and A4. Digital photos should be either the original image as downloaded from the camera (retain maximum available resolution, file size at least 1MB, preferably jpg format), or electronically modified. In the latter case, the photo will be used at the editor’s discretion – if it’s been taken in an unusual or interesting way, feel free to say so.

9.      Photos will not normally be returned, nor do the judges or the BMAA take any responsibility for loss or damage.

10.  All photos will be published in each issue of eMF, with the winning photos being printed in the subsequent MF. All photos become the copyright of the BMAA unless the originator specifies otherwise at the time of submission.

11.  Winning photos will be retained for possible use elsewhere in the magazine or in BMAA publicity; where copyright has been retained by the entrant, the BMAA will follow normal copyright procedures. 

12.  The competition will run from January to December each year. The winning photo from each month will be entered in a competition to find the Best Microlighting Photograph of the year. This award will be made at the AGM, when the names of the year’s top three photographs will be announced.

13.  The BMAA Council will select a minimum of three judges from time to time and their names will be published.

14.  In all matters the judges’ decisions are final. 

15.  It is a condition of entry that entrants agree to abide by the rules.