P&M Aviation
UPDATE - 29th May:
We are waiting for news from the Administrators regarding P&M Aviation. So far there has been no official response.
We have been made aware of some people using the label “P&M” for trading purposes. We cannot comment on their relationship to P&M Aviation (if any) until we have heard from the Administrators.
We will update this page as soon as more information becomes available.
21st May:
Administrators deadline for bids
The Administrators are seeking to sell the assets and business of P&M Aviation and invite offers. They have advised us that the sales pack for the company is now available to parties intending to submit an offer. Please contact them directly if you are considering a bid to purchase.
The Administrators have set of a deadline for any bids of Friday 24th May 2019.
10th May:
P&M aircraft – replacement parts
P&M Aviation Ltd ceased trading on Friday 3 May 2019 and entered into administration shortly afterwards. The immediate problem for owners of P&M aircraft is if they require replacement parts, as a source of these is no longer available.
We anticipate that in the medium term someone will obtain the rights to P&M’s designs from the receivers and start manufacturing replacement parts. The BMAA has a CAA-approved procedure in-place to allow the BMAA to approve manufacture of replacement parts to support this kind of rescue attempt in its early days.
In the short term, the general requirements on replacement parts is laid out in BMAA TIL 058 - available on the BMAA website.
Direct link: https://www.bmaa.org/files/til_058_replacement_parts.pdf
If an owner requires an unavailable part, please contact the BMAA Technical Office to discuss the options. Please note that approval is required for ‘pattern’ parts, alternative parts, and repairs to existing parts.
‘Standard’ parts (that means commercially available parts as defined in TIL 058) may continue to be sourced commercially. However, be very careful to ensure that the correct specification part is being used - do not hesitate to discuss with your BMAA Inspector or contact the Technical Office to discuss.
9th May:
P&M Aviation Ltd entered into Administration on 7th May 2019 at which time T A Close of Milsted Langdon LLP was appointed as its Administrator. Any queries relating to the Company or its assets should be directed to the Administrator who can be contacted at Milsted Langdon LLP, Winchester House, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2UH.
All email and telephone queries should be directed to Jason Bevan of Milsted Langdon LLP who can be contacted on 01823 445566 or via email at jbevan@milsted-langdon.co.uk.
4th May:
We learned today, Saturday 4th May, that the microlight manufacturer, P&M Aviation, went into receivership on Friday 3 May. Our information comes from a P&M employee who was made redundant as a result. P&M Aviation have not informed the BMAA directly. We presume that the information is correct.
This news is obviously a terrible blow for UK microlighting, especially for flexwing flyers, and to all the staff of that organisation who have been key to making the World’s best flexwings.
What happens next will naturally be of concern to all owners of P&M aircraft. The future of P&M will largely be in the hands of the Receivers. We have no idea at this stage whether the company will be sold as a going concern or not. It is very early days in the process and it is likely to be a little time before the situation is clear.
The BMAA has already had initial discussions with the CAA and will be working with the CAA to find a way in which members’ aircraft can be supported.
Further updates as we know them will be published to members on the BMAA website. For any detailed information that we may be able to assist with please call the BMAA office and ask to speak with the Technical Office staff.
Geoff Weighell