BMAA Inspector AUTHORISATION - 2024/2025

Please use the form below to renew your Inspector authorisation and update/confirm your contact details:

Contact Details

Please provide the BMAA with the primary contact email address for all Inspector communications and contact telephone number you wish to be listed on the BMAA Inspector Map below:


I certify that the above information is correct. I confirm that I possess a copy of or have access to, have read and understood the latest issue of the BMAA SIGMA (TIL044) issue 3.0 and accept it as the guidelines against which I apply for the renewal of my Inspector authorisation. Additionally, I agree to abide by the British Microlight Aircraft Association - Personal Data Management Notice Issued 11 May 2018 (link below).

Please enter the 4 digit security code, shown below:

wcs image 1wcs image 2wcs image 3wcs image 4


↓↓↓ Once you have completed the form, please use the appropriate link below to pay online ↓↓↓   


Thank you for renewing your authorisation.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Tech Office for assistance.

01869 338888

Issue 3.0 SIGMA

Standard Inspection Guidelines
for Microlight Aircraft

Issue 4.0

Guide to