Airspace Infringement Guidance

If you think you may have infringed controlled airspace we would advise that you take a look at the Airspace Safety Initiative (ASI) webpage where you will find all sorts of excellent resources on how to avoid infringing in the future. The bottom right-hand corner of the webpage includes links to resources on ‘what to do’ if you have infringed and a short report form, which you can fill in in order to explain the circumstances of the event.

CAP 1404 outlines the process which the CAA follow with regards to infringements and you can find this publication at this link. In most cases Pilot’s receive bespoke educational material to try and reduce the likelihood of future infringements. The process aims to be fair and proportional in accordance with the principles of Just Culture.

BMAA Infringement Guide

Airspace Safety Initiative (ASI)