BMAA Technical Office Documents For Aircraft Owners And Inspectors

The BMAA Technical Office is able to provide members with information and assistance for the modification of a BMAA aircraft. The section below will guide you through the information sources.


All Microlight aircraft (apart from SSDR's) are subject to airworthiness regulations which ensure that each design is approved as airworthy. Each of these aircraft is awarded a Permit to Fly by the UK Civil Aviation Authority. The Permit is validated each year by having an inspection and check flight. The inspection is carried out by an Inspector authorised by the BMAA. The owner may carry out their own check flight.

If an owner wishes to modify the design of his aircraft, this might be by adding a fuel tank, changing the suspension or simply installing a radio, the regulations require that the modification is approved to ensure that I does not compromise the airworthiness of the design. The BMAA Technical Office is able to make the assessment of a modification for BMAA members.

Details of the classifications of modifications is explained in more detail in our Technical Information Leaflet Til 002. You can download a copy here. Til 002

The process for approval starts with an initial assessment of the modification as major or minor. For an assessment download and complete  a Form AW 002 in Word or .pdf format and send it in to the BMAA technical office.

Some minor modifications are very common, such as fitting a radio to your aircraft. To make these simple to approve and reduce the cost of approval the BMAA has developed a series of Standard Minor Modifications (SMM). We have listed the SMMs below:

SMM 101    Issue 5     Flexwing Microlight Radio / Intercom

SMM 102    Issue 5     3-Axis Microlight Radio / Intercom

SMM 103    Issue 3     Trike Panniers

SMM 104    Issue 7      Fitting a Transponder

SMM 105    Issue 3      Flexwing Passenger Upper Torso Restraint

SMM 106    Issue 4      Simple Flexwing Strobe Installation  Updated

SMM 107    Issue 6      Auxiliary Power Socket Installations Updated

SMM 108    Issue 3      Carburettor Heaters

SMM 109    Issue 5      GPS Installation Updated

SMM 109a  Issue 3      "Aware" GPS Installation

SMM 110    Issue 3      Simple Landing Light Installation

SMM 111    Issue 3      Soft Start Module Installation Updated

SMM 112    Issue 2      Thermostasis Oil Bypass Valve

SMM 116    Issue 1       Fuel Pressure Gauge

SMM 117    Issue 3      LiFeP04 Battery Direct Replacement Updated

SMM 118    Issue 2       ADS-B Out Updated

SMM 119    Issue 1       Declaration of Change of Radio (8.33kHz)

SMM 120    Issue 1a     Fitting a Tracking Device

SMM 121    Issue 1      PilotAware Installation

SMM 122    Issue 1      Mini Backup EFIS Installation (Dynon 'D' Series & Aircrew only) NEW